Tag Archives: Friend

In That Moment

It was one of those moments

where it seemed to stretch on forever

because it does.

I will carry

that peace

that excitement

that serenity

that safety

that bliss

that openness

that fun

that freedom

that love


because I have chosen

for that

for this


to never end.

Life may take me

hundreds of miles aways

and scores of years past

but that moment

this moment

will live on

as long as I do.

In that moment,

I felt an overwhelming

gratefulness for my life

and for the people who

make it worthwhile,

oh so much more than worthwhile

It is truly a blessing

to feel the love of life,

and I did

and I still do



The Moon, My Friend

The moon, though, is a different matter entirely

Forever bolstering a light not his own

His limited and frugal glow

Barely enough to see by

Compared to his older sister

Who laughs unbashedly

And flings wide her embrace

At every chance meeting

Moon lits up not the sky

But just a path

Not enough to see the world by

And sometimes not even him

He promises to be by my side

Then leaves after a couple of days

He smiles wide

But it is pock marked and grey

No where near as joyous as his sister’s

He is always hiding something,

Never telling the full story

I would call moon a fickle friend

Not necessarily entertaining when he’s here

But at least he’s strong enough

To bare and show his scars

And maybe he shines just enough

To illuminate the important things

As for his inconsistent presence

Ever thought to wonder if

He wants to leave?

Supermoon, September 28, 2015 (UTC), Osaka, Japan.

Supermoon, September 28, 2015 (UTC), Osaka, Japan.

Beyond Words

I am a writer at heart

I like to compile my thoughts and emotions

into strings of words

that make others have thoughts and emotions

and so when I cannot explain

what and how much you mean to me

I am annoyed

and at the same time

I cherish it

and so I won’t try to say

what you mean to me,

I will just say you are beyond words



Life Actress Number One

I recently received 642 Tiny Things to Write About and I will try to post some of my responses to the prompts. Here is one: Describe something about your best friend that is often under-appreciated.

You and I have a running joke that you are “Life Actress Number One”

When life isn’t awesome

you don’t let it show

you entertain others with your lively stories

you encourage others with your joyful smile

you let others escape into a world of puns and clever comebacks

you tell others that the world and their lives will be okay

You put on a performance

and dance

and sing

and listen

and hug

and joke

for others,

without letting them see behind the movie screen.

Yet when life is a one-way street,

of only encouraging others,

who encourages you?

Who tells you that the world and your life is going to be okay?

Who gives you a hug?

Who listens to you?

Who smiles for you?

I will and I always will.

I am thankful that I am one of few lucky people

who can see behind the silver screen

who you can tell your crazy life to

who you can trust

who you do not have to entertain

(but I always like it) 🙂

I am thankful that

you are not an actress in our friendship

that we are unscripted.


Teddy Bear

Sometimes I wish I could be a little kid’s teddy bear.

I could be held tight and loved,

they’d whisper secrets and good night wishes in my ear,

I’d go to tea parties or fight evil masterminds,

I could be a princess or fly to the moon.

I’d be able to comfort them when they had to go to the doctors,

I’d go on family vacations and look out the window on a plane!

I’d be their closest friend and be with them everywhere.

But then the kid would get older

and have to go to school.

How I would long for them to come home for a nice snuggie embrace,

the hours would get longer and longer because they’d go to friend’s houses after school.

One day they’d be late to school and I would end up on the floor,

sadly, I wouldn’t be missed for a few days,

I begin to wonder if I am still loved at all . . .

Until I am picked up, held close and kissed on the head,

My boy or girl would exclaim, “I have been looking all over for you!”

I would be hugged extra close that night!

School days wore on and

I’d watch them practicing their spelling, then their multiplication tables, then geography.

Eventually there was pages of homework!

And I thought all you had to do to be smart was know how to give a really good hug.

Sometimes late at night, my boy or girl would whisper to me about their crush at school,

I loved knowing their secrets and still being held close again.

One afternoon the crush was going to come over

My boy or girl would run around in a frenzy making sure their room was up to par,

They’d pick me up

(I would think they’d want to show me off!)

but instead they would say, “I can’t have you lying around! I don’t need my crush still thinking I sleep with a teddy bear!”

I’d be tossed in the closet along with some dirty old socks!

How dare they cast me away when I kept their secret for so long!

Maybe I didn’t like this crush so much after all?

But they seemed to make my boy or girl happy and that’s all that matters,


I would begin to find my new home in the closet,

it was dark and small,

but I would just pretend it was peaceful and cozy.

I was picked up years later and what I saw was a room full of boxes,

the room had changed more than that,

there was college flags, sports jerseys, band posters.

My boy or girl would wipe the dust away from my matted down fluffy and say,

“Oh, teddy bear, I almost forgot about you!

Little good you’d do me now, I am going off to college. I couldn’t let you be seen there.”

So with little care,

I’d be tossed in this big black trash bag.

Maybe after all,

I wouldn’t want to be a teddy bear.



Sixty Years Older

I think that if my Grandma and I were the same age that we would be friends, maybe even best friends. She is sixty years older than me but I can just imagine either me going back to the 1950’s or her growing up now. I think when I would first meet her it would be that type of experience where you say to yourself, “I want her to be my friend”. She is playful and Christian and funny and clever and quirky and smart and noble and a tom boy and resilient and confident and joyful and faithful and trustworthy and optimistic and kind and a hard worker and brave and respectful and marches to her own drummer and easy to talk to and fun and thoughtful and always has a song in her heart and independent and positive.

She has all the qualities of a perfect friend and all the qualities of who I want to be.

Maybe I’ve been looking for a best friend who is just like my Grandma — and hopefully I know I’ve found her. But it would be nice to have more people like my Grandma at my school, or rather more in the world.

Maybe it’s unfortunate that my Grandma and I weren’t born in the same era or maybe it is perfect that way. I may not have her as my high school best friend but I have her as my role model who is only a phone call or a short car ride away. I would love to have her as my best friend but I love it even more to have her as my Grandma.


I Thanked God for You Today

I thanked God for you today

I thanked Him for your smile

I thanked Him for your silliness

I thanked Him for your patience

I thanked Him for your understanding

I thanked Him for your spunk

I thanked Him for your optimism

I thanked Him for your funniness

I thanked Him for your excitement about life

I thanked Him for you being a Christian

I thanked Him for your support

I thanked Him for your wittiness

I thanked Him for you

I would want to say that I thank Him for you everyday

but gratitude is such a fickle emotion

And so now, in one of those surpluses of appreciation

I want to tell you that I care about you

and that I am so glad that you are in my life

You truly are sunshine to my rainy days

and stars in my night.

I thanked God for you today, my dearest and best friend.



We Must Be Best Friends ~ Tanka Poems

I love the little

things about you, my dear friend

How we get each other

I smile and you understand

We must be best friends


Just an hour with you

can keep me happy for days

Your sunshine clears clouds

I take a break from the world

We must be best friends



How Does Your Brain Work?

How does your brain work?

I ask, my dear friend.

What is tumbling around in that noggin of yours?

I laugh with my friend.

What makes you think that?

I wonder.

The random things you say,

the questions you ask.

But they aren’t random to you, are they?

This is how you understand the world.

It is your organization system

and you want all your facts and figures in order.

You want your people to line up with what is important to you.

Maybe this is why your memory is so good?

Maybe we shouldn’t be trying to ‘fix’ autism,

but understand you more.

There is nothing wrong with how you see things,

only different.

How does my brain work?

I ask myself.

What is tumbling around in that noggin of mine?

I laugh.

What makes me think that?

I wonder.


Drop by Drop: A Rondeau Poem

“We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at least one which makes the heart  run over”
– James Bowell in The Life of Samuel Johnson


Drop by drop we become

best friends, and I don’t believe that was random.

You, just being yourself, makes me so happy!

Together we are so giggle-y

Understanding each other’s humor we can say anything with freedom


With your friends, house, life you always make me feel welcome

Your great personality and smarts all packed in that lovely cranium

You are considerate, smart, a little scattered a times, and spunky!

Drop by drop, drop by drop


You trust me by sharing your thoughts, which is awesome

You are constantly trying to fix a real or a puzzle problem

You live in and have love for Our Lord Almighty

I am able to call you my friend, joyfully!

What an amazing twosome!

Drop by drop, drop by drop


