Tag Archives: thank you

Role Models

I have found that

role models that I’ve never met in real life

aren’t role models at all,

only people who I think are good at what they do

but no one I should model myself after

because they are good at what they do

and I should be good at what I do

not at what they do.

I have found that

role models that I see everyday

are the best role models

because they are not only role models

but they are people who care about me

and I care about them.

I can see their daily struggles

and not just the ones the camera catches.

I can talk to them and they can talk to me

So I want to thank you

all my role models,

but especially the ones

who know me and love me personally

because you have had a personal hand in making me, me

so thank you for being you, the real you

The Range of God’s Power

Thanks, God, for the little things

You hold up the heavens

and prevent endless dangers

that we don’t even know to thank you for

You are still in the miracle business

and heal cancer

You are still in the life changing business

and let little actions change lives

a random thought

a random meeting

a random cloud

all of these have changed my life

except they aren’t random

they are perfectly, lovingly placed

by You.

I wonder at Your creative power

in the sunset sky

I wonder at Your abounding love

washing dusty feet

I wonder at your wisdom

in Your Word

but I also wonder

at how you keep the stars aligned

and still listen to my small prayers

You answer my cries for peace

as well as my asking for wisdom on my english quiz

You answer my prayer for healing

as well as my prayer about not being late

The range of Your love

astounds me



I Thanked God for You Today

I thanked God for you today

I thanked Him for your smile

I thanked Him for your silliness

I thanked Him for your patience

I thanked Him for your understanding

I thanked Him for your spunk

I thanked Him for your optimism

I thanked Him for your funniness

I thanked Him for your excitement about life

I thanked Him for you being a Christian

I thanked Him for your support

I thanked Him for your wittiness

I thanked Him for you

I would want to say that I thank Him for you everyday

but gratitude is such a fickle emotion

And so now, in one of those surpluses of appreciation

I want to tell you that I care about you

and that I am so glad that you are in my life

You truly are sunshine to my rainy days

and stars in my night.

I thanked God for you today, my dearest and best friend.



How Many Times

How many times do I thank God for you?

How many times do I wish I could be with you?

How many times do I stand in awe of you?

How many times do I wish I said I love you?

How many times do I regret my harsh words?

How many times do I apologize and wish it was out loud to you?

How many times do I realize that you are too good for me?

How many times do I wish I said you are beautiful?

How many times do I wish I said how much I admire you?

How many times do I stand in awe that you are mine?

How many times do I wish I thanked you?

How many times do I want to never leave you?

How many times do I wish I said what you mean to me?

Never enough

Dear God – Thank You

Dear God,

I just want to say thank you. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for guiding me. Thank you for answering me even if the answer is no. Thank you for caring for me for no other reason besides that you chose to.

I know sometimes prayers are like grocery lists, just ticking off what we need or want. So I just want to say thank you for all that you have done. Thank you for answering me when I pray that you guide me through my answers on tests. Thank you for answering me when I pray for a loved one in need. Thank you for answering me when my mind won’t stop racing and I ask for peace.

Sometimes you answer our prayers, but we forget that we even asked and don’t notice the difference. God point out the little things to me. Help me take pleasure in the ordinary enable to see you better.

Help me see the good in everything. I am thankful for stressful days. It means I have something about which to stress. I have a life worth living. Thank you, my King. Help me be thankful for homework because I have teachers that care and I go to a good school. Thank you, my Lord. I am thankful for friends that repeat the same stories over and over again because that means that I have friends and they are funny. Thank you, my savior. I am thankful for my dog barking when I leave because that means he loves me and is protecting my house. Thank you, Father. I am thankful for my lunch exploding in the microwave because that means I am not starving and I have electricity. Thank you, Christ.

God, I am so thankful for you. I know who and where I would be if I didn’t have you. You are with me all day and night long and care for me even though you have 7.25 billion others to watch over.

I am so thankful that you lead me where you see fit. Thank you for guiding me this week to my new favorite Bible verse. Psalm 94:17-19, ” Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Thank you God that your words thousands of years ago still apply. 

Thank you God, you are my one and only. Thank you for all you do, seen and unseen. Thank you for all you do and that we have forgotten. Thank you, my Lord and savior.


praying dear God


To All the People

To all the people who hurt me

The people who kicked me when I was down

The people who’s sly remarks I pretend not to hear

The people who think they are superior

The people who are themselves

The people who don’t include me

The people who think only of themselves

The people who insult me when I feel good about myself

The people who hurt me

You changed my life

I wouldn’t be who I am without you

To all the people who help me

The people who gave me a hand

The people who compliment me

The people who stand for equality

The people who are themselves

The people that reach out

The people who look beyond themselves

The people who say something nice when I am in distress

The people who help me

You changed my life

I wouldn’t be who I am without you

The people who hurt and help

affect my life

maybe without even realizing it

I thank God for both of you

I like the person who am I

and that is because of you

I had to go through the hardships to add over-comer to my personality check-list

I had to understand sorrow to understand empathy

I had to know death to know life

I had to struggle to shine

I had to know who I wasn’t to know who I am

I had to be a Victim to become a Survivor and eventually a Thriver

I had to cry to heal

I had to fail to have the gratification of success

I had to be hurt to be helpful

I’ve learned so much

I’ve loved so much

I’ve hurt so much

I’ve healed so much

I’ve become so much

When I think of the people who made me who I am

I don’t just think of the positives, but also the negatives

because sometimes they teach me more

Thanks to all the people who have broken me

Thank you for shattering me

I have the best potter in the world to re-make me

Thanks to all the people who have put me through the fire

Thank you for burning me

I became refined like silver

I have been tested and I rose to occasion

I won’t ever be able to get over it

I won’t ever be able to let it go

It will affect me every single day of my lovely life

But I’m able to move on

I am a forever Thriver

To all the people

no matter if you hurt or helped

or even did a little of both

Thank you.

