Daily Archives: November 10, 2015

In My Daddy’s Arms

In my Daddy’s arms a little 4 pounds and 14 ounce baby girl.

In my Daddy’s arms dancing to Elvis twisting that little three year old body.

In my Daddy’s arms walking down to the bus stop for the first time.

In my Daddy’s arms reading ‘Pat sat on the mat.’

In my Daddy’s arms after dinner listening to the Upper Room Devotional.

In my Daddy’s arms running to him when he gets home from work.

In my Daddy’s arms reading a comic book at night.

In my Daddy’s arms at church listening to my pastor’s sermon.

In my Daddy’s arms hugging good – night.

I will always be in my Daddy’s arms.

Just a small poem I wrote back in 6th grade. The quality I admire most about my father is his faith. His faith as a Christian, but also as a father, husband, employee, and a veteran. My father spends hours on Sunday school lessons, research for the best product the church needs at that time, and his time put forth as an Elder at our church. My father tries to always bring God into the situation and share his faith. My father has always helped us with our homework and never once missed a night to say good-night to me and my sister. He makes sure that his daughters have all the tools to be the best they can be. As a husband, I see the sweet small things his does and makes me smile. My parents always make time for their marriage, and not just having married being a word that they are. My father works very hard at his job and as shown me many life lessons through how he reactions to situations. My father’s pride in his country and his views help me shape my views and values, even if they differ. I love you Daddy, happy birthday!
