Daily Archives: November 26, 2015


When did Thanksgiving turn into Thanksgetting?

A day of giving thanks that is forgotten and consumed by the consumer

Family laughs are left behind as red markers circle want they want in ads

When I make Pop-over biscuits everyone else is popping off to the stores

Skip over a day of thanks to the day of need more, more, more

Saving a dollar becomes more important than saving room for a piece of pumpkin pie

People think buying gifts is more important than saying ‘Thank you’ to who the gifts are for

I like getting a good deal just as much as anyone else, but I’d rather be getting a precious memory instead

I understand Thanksgiving is hard because some families are difficult to get along with, but you are supposed to be ‘giving’ them another chance

I wonder if shopping is just an overused excuse to not have a family get-to-together?

Stuffing turns into stuffing the shopping cart

Cranberries morph in to ‘cram’ all the goodies

Yams are ‘Yeah, I’m in line’

I want a thankful Thanksgiving and not a Thanksgetting


