Living in the Cracks of Life


Oh, how it grows

Plants shoot up in the wildest places

Side of rocks



In cracks of cement

If there is a seed

there is a way

The plants will find water

They will reach sunlight

They will survive

But then,

Why is it

that a rose bush

given all the care



good soil



Everything the other plant doesn’t

have, it does

How can one have everything

but lose the battle of life?

Bryce 4

Ah, but that is not only with plants

Humans, too

Growing up on the streets Harlem

In poverty of Africa

Refugees from Syria

They have the will to survive

Not only that, but they aspire to thrive


the will to live

is a greater proponent

in thriving

than the ability to survive

So many of us

take the ability

to live

to read

to eat

to speak

to have a home

for granted

And it’s just random

You are born

and some are born into a good family

a good life

a chance of good education

a chance of having a good future

and the other’s don’t.

They have to fight

to even survive

Their will power is amazing

But then some of the humans

who have everything


They fall hard

They are given all the opportunities

but turn to ‘unsmart’ choices in their lives

that determine their whole future

and maybe they wither

and slowly decay

Until they are a husk

and essentially are dead.

Why is life like this?

Why can the Haves be overpowered with goodness?

Does good opportunities fall into ‘too much is never a good thing?’


the will to live

is a greater proponent

in thriving

than the ability to survive

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